The Freedom Writers

Monday, January 25, 2010 § 3

It's from the heart.
It's from the soul.
It's from "Da ghetto."
The Freedom Writers has made my mind work in ways it has not before. I'm still not finished, actually I'm only halfway through, but the message of this book is overpowering. Teens coming together in the classroom of an English teacher. A war between races; Black, White, Asian, and Latino. An English teacher striving to give teens something to look forward to, some happiness in the midst of despair for many. Literature, love, and hope shaping their lives into something better. The Freedom Writers is truly a book to read. I must admit though, this book is a slow read. It's taken me a couple weeks to get to the middle. Soon I will end it and tell you all about it. Feed off this in the meanwhile.

Signing off,

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§ 3 Response to “The Freedom Writers”