Archive for February 2010

The way he is and the way I am not

Saturday, February 27, 2010 § 10

I see him everywhere
I want to see him more
The way he smiles
The way he carries himself proudly
The way he walks lazily with a hint of swagger
The way he talks
The way he cares about it all
Such detail I notice
And he notices nothing about me
Because I am invisible

Signing off,

The Trendy Dwarves Award!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 § 2

My fellow blogger, Michael, awarded me with the Trendy Dwarves Award. Thank you so much!

The rules of this award are very simple.
1) Name seven things you love about fashion and the industry. It can be clothing items, magazines, the models, the fabrics, the designers, the photography, the blogs, the websites, the fashion shows, etc.

2) Please be specific about the seven things you love about fashion and the industry.

3) When you are done, choose 7 blogs you would like to nominate for this award and let them know they have been awarded with this award!

4) By the would be cool if you could also post the above picture when you post your award. Also if you could post pictures would be cool too!
1. Being unique
Thrift Store Dress, Thrift Store Brown Leather Waistcoat, Jewlers/ Grandma/ Gifts Necklaces, Thrift Store Belt

2. Simple styles

3. Bright colors
Dress from Bebe, Floral Tights from H&M
4. High waisted skirts
Lace Tank from Forever 21, Floral Skirt from Forever 21

5. Boots in general but specifically military looking boots
Tunnel Scarves from H&M, Leather Jacket from H&M, Dr. Martens

6. Scarves and Hats

7. Skinny Jeans
Forever 21 Mauve Safgn, Target Gray Cardigan, Owl Necklace from Homemade, Forever 21 Floral Ruffled Shirt
I got all these pictures from

I am awarding this to:
1. Mom and Son

Signing off,

Wander away into the shadows, where even the banned creatures can't find you

§ 1

Brings guilt
Unless you're cold hearted
Which you are
You are heartless
I wish you'd disappear...

Signing off,

Do not call my name

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 § 1

Luring around corners
Enticing even the most innocent heart
Save me!

Signing off,

And when you see red... Call a doctor

Monday, February 22, 2010 § 1

Brings tears to my eyes
Oh betraying tears
Blowing my cover
Tearing away my mask
Trickling down my cheek; my nose
Oh salty water droplets, go away
Why can't you just hide in a chamber until I unblock you?
Fiery red coursing through my veins
Blood pumping
Fist curling
Face twisting
Punch, kick
Tear, tear
Slap, pull
Tear, tear
Shove, push
Tear, tear
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Tear, tear

Signing off,

And when there are footprints, there's always a track

Friday, February 19, 2010 § 5

Welcome change
Enter the doors of my heart; of my mind; my room
Leave your mark in bright colors
Inspire me to expand my thoughts
Motivate me to see diversity
Bring with you the feeling of new
Help me to walk away my comfort spot
With this, I welcome you change

*I am truly enjoying my new room which I have recently cleaned, painted, and rearranged.

Signing off,

"Please buckle your seat belts. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 § 2

I ride the cart: Hopelessness
Start to move: happiness
We are almost reaching climax: stress
We are going down: euphoria
We are gaining speed: regret
We are up side down: satisfaction
We go through a tunnel: gloomy
Our hair swings back with giddy laughter: Jubilant
We are slowing down: Agony
I think back: Bliss
I thought I'd feel: Pessimistic
I am feeling: Optimistic
Conclusion: Emotional Roller coaster

*Sorry for the no post streak... I am trying to find good inspiration.

Signing off,

One moment in time

Thursday, February 11, 2010 § 6

On that day, I moved
That day cracked my world
Half my life was black
The other half was light gray
No part was white for my life was dark
Never more was there happiness
The light never shone through the clouds again
The tears trickled down my cheeks into the endless pit of despair
And yet with all this hopelessness, everything was just right
A voice deep down inside of me told me everything was alright
Today stands Hope on the highest mountain of my heart
Never shall we be separated again

* I wrote this in 8th grade. Please let me know what you think (honestly, even if you think it's bad!).

Signing off,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 § 2

I saw life fleeting rapidly
Before my very eyes
Therefore problems coming at me
Like summer time with annoying flies

Life can be very bright
Like the sun on a summer day
Oh, such a pretty sight
When life is lived in full and there is no other way

*I wrote this when I was in 8th grade, so I want to get your opinions of what you think.

Signing off,

It's lovely, isn't it?

Sunday, February 7, 2010 § 4

Feelings, emotions
Around you everywhere
Don't choose the wrong one

Signing off,

Me, my small not so mysterious self anymore, and I

Saturday, February 6, 2010 § 1

So there I was... sitting and looking outside my window watching the snow fall- touching the ground ever so lightly- and thinking "my followers don't know much about me..." So here I am now, writing a post on me, myself, and I for all you to read. My name is actually Alexandra, Alex for short. Online I am Sophia because I figured my middle name should be used for something. Please still address me by Sophia because I love it :) I am a high school sophomore- the youngest in my class. I am ahead a grade which means unfortunately I can't drive with even a permit until I'm a senior. Recently I was composing a health project which requested I write 8 of the life long goals I would like to achieve. I would like to share those goals with you so you can learn a little bit more about me.

1. I would love to go skydiving

2. To attend Harvard University has been my dream since as long as I can remember

3. I would like to move out by the age of 20 and live in an apartment in Boston- only 25 minutes away from home.

4. I would love to learn to cook (my current cooking range includes making macaroni and canned soups)

5. I want to become a pediatrician or a brain surgeon (the second option is only if I decide I have the stomach to handle it)

6. I want to get married (doesn't every girl?)

7. I want to collect art pieces for when I have a home to put them in (I have recently become interested very much in art)

8. I want to travel the world- Argentina is at the top of the list because I am Dominican and Argentinian yet I have never been to Argentina

My family is most important. Currently I am going through a no real friends period which I'm trying to get out of soon. There is a boy I really like, and unfortunately I don't know if he likes me back. We share many of the same interests and have similar personalities so maybe something will happen on Valentines Day? Let's hope so! The picture up above is of me and my two cousins whom I love so much, but unfortunately I don't get to see often because of their being away at college. As you will probably recognize on the left is Aquiles from Minute by Minute; in the middle is me, and to the right is Aquiles' sister. I hope you've learned more about me, and when you read my poems you actually know who you're reading them from.

Signing off,

"Mommy! Is that a rain cloud?"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 § 5

I like the cold rain
It cools me down at the beach
The sky is crying

Signing off,

It can only get from bad to worse

Monday, February 1, 2010 § 3

It's over.
I realize why it didn't end sooner,
I didn't want to let go.
I didn't want to see the real you,
The side you didn't hide with a lie-
The side you kept to yourself.
I have finally seen the ugly you,
The you with a heart of ice
Melting all hopes of friendship.
I saw the side where you selflessly spat your flames,
The side where you burned whoever found out.
Your dirty dragon scales reflecting your personality.
I just want you to know-
It's over.

Dedicated to the end of my friendship with the (ex)best friend.
Signing off,

The answer entitles destruction

§ 1

Why do you lie?
Is it simply to cover up the truth?
Or is it because you feel too important to respect me?
Does it make you feel better?
Do the fights and arguments punch a hole through your stomach?
Or do you blow it off because you're to ignorant to care?
Do you ever think of how your lies make me feel?
Or do you believe you're the only one who matters?
Why do you lie?

Signing off,