I don't like it when it's all about me!

Saturday, March 6, 2010 § 4

My friend Julie wrote me this poem a while back when we were assigned in English class to make a poem anthology.

Hilarious. Superfantastical. Stylist.
Sister of Michael, Samuel, Sarah.
Love of Yasser, ranch dressing, me.
Who feels fantabulous, happy, tired.
Who needs a yellow hoodie, a year supply of ranch, a haircut.
Who gives me laughter, others happiness, everyone good memories.
Who fears losing me, losing Yasser, losing Cliff Murray.
Who would like to see me more often
Resident of Abington.

Just to clarify a couple things.
1. Yasser is pretty much my best guy friend.
2. Cliff Murray was a substitute I had for math class for a period of about 3 months, and completely adored.
3. The ranch dressing comments are because I use ranch dressing as my main dipper for almost all my foods.

Also, I am completely psyched because I was invited into AP English because my teacher said my writing is amazing, and the best in her classes. I only wanted to share my happiness with all of you!

(I'm the one in white above)

Signing off,

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§ 4 Response to “I don't like it when it's all about me!”